3838 West Floating Feather Road
Eagle, ID 83616

Every March we pause to celebrate the work of missionaries here in the Treasure Valley and around the globe. We Pray, Give, and Go for Missions!
For Freedom
For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.
– Galatians 5:13
Our focus in 2015 is For Freedom. We will be giving our prayers, offerings, and attention to ministries for the oppressed, imprisoned, and enslaved.
There are many ways to get involved throughout the month, but everything will culminate on Sunday March 29, when we assemble 500 gift bags for the Breaking Chains Network Red Light Ministry in Brussels, Belgium. Breaking Chains Network exists to end Human Sex Trafficking in Eastern Europe. We need donations of small size cosmetics; nail polish, hand lotion, sanitizer, emery boards, etc… We need volunteers to help organize and solicit donations, please contact Pastor Brad, bradm[at]eaglelifechurch.org
March Missions Madness | For Freedom
- All Month | 40 Days of Life Prayer Vigil | www.40daysforlife.com/meridian
- March 1 | Missions Sunday | Guest: Chaplain Rick Rigenhagen, US Missionary to Idaho State Corrections
- March 14 | Men’s Missions Breakfast | 8:00am, Eagle LifeChurch
- March 19 | Stanton Healthcare Open House | 5-7pm, Boise Clinic, www.stantonhealthcare.org
- March 28 | Canned Food Drive for Boise Rescue Mission | 8:00am-11:00pm, Eagle Albertson’s
- March 29 | Love in Action Sunday | Gift Bag Outreach Project for Breaking Chains Network