November 1, 2016 – November 29, 2016 all-day
America/Denver Timezone

Every Year during No Shave November, we’ve got an itch to pray for Missions. But at Eagle LifeChurch, we do more than pray. Missions is about praying, giving, and going. There are so many ways to be involved. Contact Us if you would like more information or to sign up for Leaf Raking or the Light for the Lost Banquet. You can click on the links below to find more information, or to register.
2015 Missions Month
- All Month | No Shave November | Canned Food Drive for Eagle Food Bank
- Nov. 1 | Missionary Guests from Royal Family Kids Camp
- Nov. 9 | Light for the Lost Banquet, Payette
- Nov. 15 | Youth Leaf FundRaking for The Human Right
- Nov. 22 | Remember the Poor Sunday | One Day to Feed the World Offering for Convoy of Hope
- Nov. 29 | Let’s Sing
- Dec. 15 | The Human Right Coin Collection