Eagle LifeChurch is now Ascend Church, as of September 15, 2024. Check out the new website: … More»

How to Understand Revelation
In this message, you will learn how to read and understand the letters of Revelation to the seven churches of Asia.
Helping People Experience Jesus in a Life-Changing Way
In this series, from Revelation 1-3, you will learn to have ears to hear what the spirit is saying to the churches. You will learn to understand the messages of revelation and apply them to your faith and life.
In this message, you will learn how to read and understand the letters of Revelation to the seven churches of Asia.
In this message, you will learn the importance of practicing our faith with truth and love. The Ephesians were commended for their zeal to seek truth. Jesus encouraged them for being people who tested false apostles and found them false. But, he had one thing against them. They had lost their first love. They had given up their love for God and each other.
In this message, you will learn the importance of discerning the work of Satan among those who claim to be of God. The church in Smyrna was known by God to be facing tribulation and persecution. They were encouraged to “fear not.” This scripture encourages us to be faithful in the face of death and receive the crown of life.
In this message, you will learn the importance of discerning the work of Satan among those who claim to be of God. The church in Smyrna was known by God to be facing tribulation and persecution. They were encouraged to “fear not.” This scripture encourages us to be faithful in the face of death and receive the crown of life.