Are you just a Christian, or are you a Christ follower?
In today’s American culture, being a Christian can be nothing like following Jesus. Christianity has become a religion. Religion is something that Jesus despised, calling religious people hypocrites and a brood of vipers.
In this series, Live Like Jesus, the Gospel of John, we will explore the Word that became Flesh. We will uncover the mystery that is following Jesus. Join us for the journey.
Listen Now to Week 7: Are You Hungry?
John 6:1-71By Pastor John Wilkie
November 2, 2014
Follow along with the outline: Are You Hungry?
- Food for Five Thousand Men, Plus Women and Children | John 6:1-15
- Jesus Walks on the Water | John 6:16-21
- Jesus Declares Himself to be The Bread of Life | John 6:35, 48, 51
- I AM the bread of life
- The Only Road to Heaven is Through Jesus | John 6:35-58
- Spiritual Truths are Hard to Understand Unless the Spirit Gives Light | John 6:60-66
- The Disciples Declare Jesus to be the True Son of God | John 6:68, 69
Additional Bible Reading | John 6-9 | Romans 15-16 | Leviticus 23 | Exodus 23 | Deuteronomy 16