The Holy Spirit can help us in any and all decisions
At times it seems so difficult to know what God’s will might be in a given situation. If we are in fellowship with Him, it should not be all that difficult! Allow me to explain: The Holy Spirit lives within the life of every Christian to not only encourage and strengthen the Christian, but also to lead that Christian into all truth. We need to create within ourselves a process where we allow the Holy Spirit to speak to us. He might do so out of a series of circumstances, or maybe the decision we must make is just a common-sense decision. The Holy Spirit can help us in any and all decisions. As we allow Him to speak into our lives, He will know how to speak to each of us. He speaks to me in one way and will probably speak to you in a different way. We are different and He will communicate with each of us in a different way. When He does speak to us we should be attentive and obedient to His urgings. If we continually disobey or ignore His voice, there will come a time when we will no longer hear His voice. As we are attentive and obey He will direct us in making decisions that will bring Him honor and will help us in our spiritual walk and our everyday life.