What kind of tree are you? Are you and orange tree? Apple tree? Banana tree?
Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.
– John 15:4 (ESV)
You know a tree by it’s fruit.
Abide in me! This summarizes the final teachings of Jesus in his last few hours on earth.
As we continue to study the book of John on Sunday mornings, we have transitioned into Jesus teaching on his enduring presence. As we live in his Spirit we will bear his fruit.
During this service the congregation was seated at tables and encouraged to discuss the scriptures together. We call this Table Talk. You will notice that at times, Pastor Brad will give them instructions for their discussion. Feel free to pause the recording and dig into the passages yourself. The questions for the Table Talk times are listed below.
Listen Now to Week 25: What is Truth?
John 18:11-40By Pastor Brad Murphy March 15, 2015
What is Truth?
- People can know the truth, but still deny the truth.
- Table Talk | John 18:15-18
- Who followed Jesus? Discuss who “another disciple” might be.
- Discuss the truthfulness of each persons’ statements.
- How & Why has Peter’s confidence (John 13:37) gone away?
- Table Talk | John 18:19-24
- How did Jesus statement affirm the truth about his teaching?
- How did Jesus protect his disciples during this interrogation?
- In what ways did the Former High Priest & the authorities violate truth?
- Table Talk | John 18:15-18
- People can ignore the truth even when seeing it face-to-face.
- Truth will bring to light to what is done in secret.
- Table Talk | John 18:25-27
- Where are the revelations of denying truth and ignoring truth here?
- Read Mark 14:66-71, Luke 22:60-66
- What is the cursing & swearing about?
- How does the TRUTH become known
in these various accounts?
- Table Talk | John 18:25-27
TRUTH will be known by those wholisten to Jesus voice.