3838 West Floating Feather Road
Eagle, ID 83616
Remember the Poor Sunday | One Day to Feed the World Offering
We take the opportunity every year to open our hearts of compassion and give generously to Remember the Poor on the 4th Sunday of November. We will have a special offering during the service, and a shared lunch immediately following. So bring your Rice & Beans themed dish to share.
This year we will be bringing canned foods for Eagle Food Bank, and money for Convoy of Hope.
ONE DAY to Feed the World is Convoy of Hope’s annual campaign to transform the everyday lives of kids around the world.
Playing, good times with friends, learning, and dreaming big dreams are the hallmarks of a great childhood — nutritious food fuels such childhoods. Our desire is to see kids lives transformed as we promote healthy children, and community, sustainability and development.
It’s simple — Work ONE DAY, give ONE DAY’S wage to help provide food, clean water and other life-giving supplies.
How to Give?
- Bring your canned food to Eagle LifeChurch on Sunday or during office hours Tuesday 9:15am-6pm, Wednesday-Friday 9:15am-11:30am, during the month of November.
- Bring your check or cash to worship service, Sunday, November 22, and see how your small gift of one day can change everyday for a starving child.
- You can also give online, by making Eagle LifeChurch a vendor on your bank Bill Pay System, account number One Day.