There are various opinions and mixed feelings about how to respond in times like these. The best thing we can do is pray.
Do we totally act in Faith and disregard Reason? Do we act Reasonably and neglect Faith? We hope to act according to both. We have faith that God will protect us, but we act reasonably in a time of great uncertainty.
the moment, Eagle is a low risk community for the spread of COVID-19
because there is only one case in the Treasure Valley, and it was from a
person who came to Boise with the virus. It hasn’t been knowingly
spread from one person to another here. The states around us are at
much higher risk.
Therefore, we will continue meeting
We will record video of the service, and make it available sometime before the day is over tomorrow. By next Sunday, March 22 we hope to have live stream available on Facebook and YouTube.
If you are at high-risk for contraction of COVID-19, we recommend you stay home. If you have a fever, sore throat, or respiratory illness, we ask you to stay home.
Modify your behaviors at Church:
- SMILE to greet each other. AVOID handshakes.
- Make SPACE around yourself in the seats.
- CHECK your kids in by text message, text CHECKIN to (208) 352-6002.
- Don’t TOUCH high touch surfaces.
- WASH your hands with soap.
- We will NOT pass the offering bags. Please give online, or put it in the drop-box.
- We will NOT distribute bulletins. Download the YouVersion Bible App, and LIKE us on Facebook.
- We will NOT serve communion corporately for now. Remember the Lord’s Supper at home for now.
- Those in high-risk populations, including adults over the age of 60 years and people with underlying chronic medical conditions like heart or lung disease or diabetes should not attend public gatherings.
- STAY connected with other church people. Text the word ME to (208) 352-6002 for a searchable Church Directory.
Idaho Department of Health Recommends:
instructions from the Idaho Department of Health are “Recommendations”
not orders. Some states have “ordered” large gatherings of 250+
cancelled. Should the state demand that we stop having large gatherings
we will hold smaller meetings, and continue ministering online. We
average 80 on Sunday.
What to do for now:
- SHARE the hope you have in Jesus and the assurance He has given you.
- Join a LifeGroup in-case large gatherings are banned.
- LIKE our page on Facebook for live and recorded videos, conversations, and messages of encouragement.
- SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel for videos and updates.
- GIVE online. Text GIVE to (208) 352-6002.
- PRAY for healing, wisdom, and miracles from heaven! PRAY for government leaders to have Holy discernment. PRAY for peace in the media and community. PRAY for the good news of Jesus to spread to those who are lost and hopeless.